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Where it all began

So. this is my first blog. but, hey. its worth a shot.

This blog is about my puppy, JoJo.

She is a 6 month old(birthday on March 3,2011) Border Collie/Australian Shepherd mix(we think) from the Humane Society of Memphis and Shelby County.

I first saw her on June 18th at orentation for new volunteers. I was in love

They called her Jordan. She was perfect. Until they took her out of her cage…

I was speechless. She was missing a leg. Upon further invesstigation i found out that she had been hit by a car.

*from her chart* 5/10/11 7.9lbs “Presented w/ severe lacerations to hind left leg, likely broken. Bone visible.”

They amputated her leg on 5/11/11

I didnt care, though. For about 6 weeks i went to the Humane Society tovolunteer at least 3 days a week just to see Jordan. I brushed her,i fed her treats, i cuddled with her, i took her out into the play yards, i threw balls for her, i held her until she fell asleep. Other volunteers would tell me “Brianna, you better adopt her or she might have psychological problems!”

Finally, on July 24 i convinced my mother to come volunteer with me. Jordan did what she did best and on July 28 i adopted and took home my baby girl. We renamed her Jojo after the Beatles song “Get Back”.

~ by lifeofjojo on August 10, 2011 .

6 Responses to “Where it all began”

  1.   admin Says:

    Welcome! Bless you forsaving JoJo and thank you for sharing her story!

  2.   chilidawg Says:

    What a sweet dog! She’s beautiful! She and Chili Dawg share the same ampuversary 🙂

  3.   etgayle Says:

    what a cutie pie!! we’re on the other end of tennessee in knoxville – a world away from memphis! glad jojo captured your heart, we know you guys will have a great life together. can’t wait for the next installment of your blog!

    charon & gayle

    •   lifeofjojo Says:

      Thank you!
      I’m planning on updating this blog just about every day!
      Looking forward to seeing more comments


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