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Life of Jojo so far

So,since i started this blog a month or so after I got JoJo I’m trying to catch up on all the things we have done.

JoJo has taken a liking to Shelby Farms Dog Park(not because of the lakes or the other dogs-but the people who want to pet her) we have had good experiences there until one day we were turning a corner and a family of people noticed jojos absence of a leg. They youngest of the group(17-19?) said “what’s wrong with her?”
I just stood there in awe that someone would ask ” what’s wrong with her”! If you see a child in a wheel chair do you ask the same thing? No. So why should you say that about my dog?
Anyway, my mom told her story and then as we were walking away they said things like “poor thing/dogs like that should be euthanized/bless her heart” people like this drive me crazy!

JoJo has also taken a liking to wrestling,swimming in our kiddie pool,going on walks,snuggling and cuddling and things like that.

And finally,on august 7,2011 JoJo and Ella were entered into the Dog Days Of August competition(not really a competition,but more of a fun little event that raised money). There were little booths from vets,doggie daycares,pet photograohers,shelters,dog bakeries,a snocone place,etc. Then,towards the end of the day there was a little competition with four categories:best trick,best costume,ugliest dog,and most fitting name. JoJo was entered in best trick(hopping on 1 leg,walking on three ) and most fitting name(JoJo,from the beetles song get back.) and Ella was entered in most fitting name(ellaminnowpea. It’s from a Book where a girl desperatly tries to find a better life for herself.)
*side story* i was waiting by then edge of the little stage for my turn to take JoJo up and show her best trick. A lady with a very cute dog was ahead of me. I was petting her dog when she asked me what Jo’s trick was. I told her and she said to me in the snobbiest voice I have ever heard” well. They told me they were going to try to..share the love.. So I’m sure your….dog. Will win this. Because I mean,if they didn’t do that my dog would win everything!”
So rude

But she was right,cause JoJo won best trick and Ella won 3rd for best name. And I won a little door prize pack from three dog bakery.


~ by lifeofjojo on August 11, 2011 .

6 Responses to “Life of Jojo so far”

  1.   riosmom Says:

    Some people are just sore losers! She was probably just snarky because she knew her dog’s trick wasn’t nearly as good as your dog’s. (My husband calls that sort of attitude “tall third grade.”)

    Way to go JoJo! Tripawds RULE!!!
    Way to go Ella! You rock, too!

    Rio’s mom

    •   lifeofjojo Says:

      It made me so upset cause I was telling her dog how cute it was and how adorable it’s trick(rolling over) was.

      But she can be a rude as she wants because my dog kicked her dogs butt!

  2.   chilidawg Says:

    People don’t realize that their words hurt. Yay for Jojo winning best trick. One time when someone asked me about Chili Dawg’s leg (in a rude way) I said that we couldn’t pay for the vet visit so they took his leg for payment instead of money. Most people who ask are just curious, so I try to be nice when I answer, but for the rude people I always give a sarcastic answer or I let my 4 year old answer for me with, “It makes my dog way cooler than your 4 legged dog!”

    •   lifeofjojo Says:

      It’s so frustrating. In my opinion,if you wouldn’t make a rude comment about a child in a wheel chair, don’t make a rude comment about my three legged dog. It’s the same principle.

      But that’s a good reply!I may use that sometime! I usually(being 16) give the signature teenage eye roll. That usually shuts them up. But if I’m with my mom I let her deal with it in a more adult manner.

  3.   admin Says:

    Yesh! Way to go JoJo! 🙂

    You’ll find plenty of comebacks for those poor doggie comments in the discussion forums, please share your own.

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