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Take the good with the bad.

JoJo is learning a life lesson today: take the good with the bad.

Good: we took her back up to the humane society to visit. She got petted and kissed and loved on. We also assembled the tire jump we got yesterday. She likes it.

Bad: first vet visit. She got her ears cleaned(cause she won’t let me do it at all) and a shot. Shes still upset with me.


~ by lifeofjojo on August 13, 2011 .

13 Responses to “Take the good with the bad.”

  1.   maximutt Says:

    Don’t worry. I have a feeling JoJo will have forgotten all about the ear cleaning by the time you’re fixing her breakfast tomorrow morning!

  2.   jerry Says:

    Nice tire jump! Let’s see some video!

    You are too cute JoJo. Don’t be mad at your pawrents, they’re just silly humans who don’t appreciate the true aroma of dog ears!

    •   lifeofjojo Says:

      Thank you! A friend of my moms made both jumps (and hes building us an A frame) for about..20 dollars. I will post a video soon.(:

  3.   chilidawg Says:

    JoJo, I LOVE getting my ears cleaned- I look forward to it- seriously, it’s one of the things I love almost as much as a good belly rub! Give it a chance 🙂

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