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Archive for August, 2011

Home is where the heart is<3

• August 22, 2011

I got home from Clarksville at around 9 pm tonight. Im so happy to see my JoJo<3

Jo Jo in the house

• August 20, 2011

Hi Jo Jo here, while my grandma is cooking dinner I thought I would sneak on here and let brianna know how much I love her. I will never forget living at the shelter, they were nice but all the other dogs told me that I would be adopted and you better hope they love […]

Goodbyes aren’t forever

• August 20, 2011

I’m on the way to Clarksville. Its raining sooooo hard. But I already miss Jo. I hope she has a good weekend without me(:

Last night with JoJo..until Sunday

• August 20, 2011

I’m leaving tomorrow at 10 to go to spend the weekend with my best friends,Irris and Chanel(it’s he 16th birthday) in Clarksville. It will be my longest time away from her:( I’m so sad:( I’m going to miss her furry self on my feet,legs,waist,neck,face,and arms(:

The king is back at his throne.

• August 19, 2011

Little man was diagnosed with a “severe cough” which is why there was blood in his throat. So basically, 300$ and 3 hours for them to tell us that he had a cough. But at least we know now. But he’s just chillin like a villain now(: And I know this isn’t about JoJo perse, […]

Emergency vet visit

• August 18, 2011

So little man was coughing and like..trying to throw up/gagging? Something like that. And my mom tried reach in his throat and see if there was something she could get out. When he pulled her finger out,it had blood on it. So now we at an emergency vet office trying to see what’s wrong with […]

Hannah came to visit!

• August 17, 2011

So my friend Hannah came to my house to hang out and fell in love with Jo

It’s alright cause I’m..

• August 17, 2011

JoJo was watching tv today. But it’s what she was watching that made me laugh. I’ve heard of dogs watching animal planet…. But my dog watched saved by the bell.

Reunited and it feels SO GOOD

• August 16, 2011

After a grueling school day I finally returned home to JoJo!!! I took her outside and she ran and jumped up on me and when I bent down to pet her-she peed all over the ground in sheer excitement.she then jumped on me(I was sitting) and licked my face.JoJo isn’t much of a licker so […]

Heartbreak won’t last forever…roughly 9 hours..

• August 16, 2011

Today is my first day of my junior year of highschool. It will also be the longest time JoJo and I will be apart since I adopted her.I’m so sad:( I miss her already!