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Archive for September, 2011

Exciting weekend!(according to JoJo)

• September 30, 2011

Friday-Hannah is coming over! She’s my favorite of Briannas friends! She know just where to scratch! Saturday- mommy said she’s taking me to a “local festival” she said there I’d lots of people and music and food. She even said I may be able to get my own turkey leg to chew on!! Sunday- dog […]

New video on YouTube!

• September 29, 2011 check it out.comment. Also, after school today i decided to take jojo to the dog park(by herself for the first time And she was ALSO off leash, i might add) im editing the video together as i type this!


• September 22, 2011

Go to YouTube. Type In “lifewithmytripawd” And wa-la! Videos of JoJo(: I’m working on putting more up. But for the meantime,there are a couple. Enjoy(: Ps. If you wanna see JoJo do something in a video,let me know! Pss. Be sure to comment!

Oh JoJo….

• September 21, 2011

While using my new shower for the first time,JoJo decided to jump in with me. Silly girl…

Shes my bestfriend

• September 21, 2011

You’re… My Friend, my companion, through good times and bad my friend, my buddy, through happy and sad, beside me you stand, beside me you walk, you’re there to listen, you’re there to talk, with happiness, with smiles, with pain and tears, I know you’ll be there, throughout the years!   ps. if yall want […]

Mini photo shoot

• September 18, 2011

Here are a few photos of the girls of the family:JoJo and Ella. They have became virtually inseparable. They are insanely adorable together.

Cute as a button

• September 17, 2011

Some photos of JoJo.lately,she has been sleeping on things of mine:clothes,shoes.blankets,etc.But she won’t sleep in my bed anymore. She has also been hanging out on the new tile.

Videos soon to come

• September 15, 2011

So I’ve created a YouTube for JoJo and I’ll be posting videos there soon! But here’s a photo I took of JoJo


• September 11, 2011

JoJo is now the coolest canine

You listen good,son.

• September 11, 2011

JoJo here.last night. Mom and grandma came home from the fair with some boy. I don’t know him,but I’ve heard alot about him. He hurt my mommy. And im not gunna let it happen again. So when he sat down,I ambushed him and let him KNOW I’m number one in my Mommys heart.