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Nobody’s perfect?

JoJo here…I’m in trouble again….


I thought mommy would like what I did to the dresser! She like abstract art! That’s all it is! And I even did it while she was asleep so I could surprise her! But she said I was a bad girl and that I can’t do that anymore. She needs to expand her mind! I think it looks like a bunny rabbit! Or a bowl of food! I like food…foooooood…. ANYWAY! have a good night,friends!

~ by lifeofjojo on September 1, 2011 .

One Response to “Nobody’s perfect?”

  1.   Dakota Dawg Says:

    JoJo, you remind me of Evelyn. She modified the walls in my laundry room pretty significantly. She dug holes with her claws and then enlarged them with her mouth. Now I have sheet metal screwed into those walls.

    If you really want to impress your mom and get even more yummy treats, I can tell you the way to do that is NOT to do abstract art, unless you are given a piece of paper and some finger paint. Then it’s ok. Try to lay off the furniture. You’ll be rewarded, I promise.

    Shari (wrangler of Dakota and Evelyn the Embarrassment)

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