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Archive for September, 2011


• September 9, 2011

Sone guy fixed my isle for me!

I’m unhappy!

• September 7, 2011

Mama and grandma thinks it’s good to renovate the house. I mean,I liked it when the short guy with tattoos came and pettetted me,but this time it’s gone too far. THEY TOOK AWAY MY ISLE! It’s a little platform that is front of the door. It WAS tiled and in the summer it was really […]


• September 6, 2011

I found a sock.I gave it to JoJo.I then put it on jojos mouth.she carried it around the house. I then put it on her foot. She carried her leg around the house

Somehow,she knows.

• September 5, 2011

Next Saturday I will be taking the ACT and going to the fair with a guy who broke my heart in hopes of…well,I’m not sure what I’m hoping for. But I’m really stressed.and just when the tears start to come,JoJo does this She snuggled up to my face and gave me kisses. People always say […]

Learn,young grasshopper

• September 4, 2011

We gave Ella and JoJo a water bottle with a couple of pieces of dog food in it. JoJo didn’t exactally get it so she went to Ella for a lesson

Good for a dog,problem for a vegetarian..

• September 3, 2011

JoJo got her first pig ear today. We used a coupon Ella won from the Dog Days of August competition. I think it’s terrible, but she loves it. So I’ll get down from my PETA soapbox and let her enjoy it.

I like school!

• September 2, 2011

So this morning my mom carried me into a building that smelled like wood and people! She carried me to A girl and the girl held my leash while mommy got big rectangles out of her mini closet! Then mommy walked me into different rooms where people pet me and told me how beautiful I […]


• September 2, 2011

JoJo,again. Mommy is taking me to some place called “skool” tomorrow. I don’t know what that is…but she leaves me for 8 hours hours every day for it so it better be awesome! I’ll let you guyses know how it goes! <3

Nobody’s perfect?

• September 1, 2011

JoJo here…I’m in trouble again…. I thought mommy would like what I did to the dresser! She like abstract art! That’s all it is! And I even did it while she was asleep so I could surprise her! But she said I was a bad girl and that I can’t do that anymore. She needs […]