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Archive for October, 2011


• October 30, 2011

Mama took me to the costume contest and I was good until they called my number and I decided to chew everything off. Mama gave me the look and I knew I had made a bad choice. Needless to say we didnt win. So now I feel going to go take a nap.

Peg leg Jo.

• October 30, 2011

Here are my pre-Halloween contest photos

Air ducks?

• October 30, 2011

Mama said yesterday that some people would be coming to clean the Air Ducks . I’ve seen a couple of ducks,but they weren’t THAT dirty. And why are the dirty ducks in my house? Anyway, sissy and I got put in her kennel when the duck people came. They brought in big tubes and put […]

Heart worm negative!

• October 29, 2011

Im heart worm negative(: But,they had to make me bleed so I had a bandaid:( Also,I’m doing a costume contest for tomorrow! Photos soon to come(:


• October 29, 2011

Mom keeps talking about this thing called homecoming.she says that she and her class,the class of 2013, do lots of things during the week and on Friday one class wins a trophy. I don’t understand this,but I know that mom leaves for school early and doesn’t get home till bed glad it’s over. She […]

Mamas cama

• October 20, 2011

Jojo here. Mom is speaking lots of spanish now.she points at me and says perro.i think that means beautiful.or maybe smart..either way,I think it’s good. She pointed at her bed and said cama. So,when it was bedtime,I jumped in her cama and made myself comfortable! Apparently, mamas bed isn’t my bed.she says I need to […]

Yo estoy abnormal!

• October 18, 2011

Jojo is in Spanish II at school and she said that on Friday her teacher is having show and tell and that if I’m good all week I can go! I’m so excited! Mama is teaching me Spanish this week. For show&tell,she has to make 10 sentences about me. But since she hasn’t had […]

The fast and the furriest.

• October 15, 2011

Mom and I ran a five k today. That’s 3.1 miles. And I didn’t quit once! I finished without having to be carried at all! We didn’t even finish last! I had fun seeing all my old humane society friends. And mama let me eat some cookie after the race. I had a good time!


• October 13, 2011


• October 10, 2011

They are precious. We have a repair man coming out so instead of putting the dogs in separate kennels I put them together for a little while. Apparently,jojo and ella are closer than I thought