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Festival day!

This morning I took JoJo to a local festival along with my mom,and our friends Brandi and Sean and their children Braden(4), Anna Claire,(2),and Christopher(9 months)
The festival is a bunch booths from local businesses to local colleges. There was food an a petting zoo and little rides for the kids.
When we first got there,we went walking around too look at the booths. Everyone was asking to pet JoJo and asking what happened to her. Then,they’d all say” oh well she seems to be getting along just fine!” untilllll we got to a booth that sold bows. JoJo is the first dog we’ve ever had that has enough hair to put bows in. While I was looking, my mom held jojos leash for me. When I stepped out to ask her what she thought of the bows I had picked out,she had an angry look
On her face. I asked her what was wrong and she told me that the woman who owned the booth came to pet JoJo. She ran her hand down from
Her head to her nub(as we call it) she then jerked her hand away as if JoJo had some contagious disease.
Nevertheless, JoJo was the center of attention. She also met her first non domestic animals. First up was a llama.

After she saw that llama,she tried to be friends with a miniature pig. well, jojo went in to smell and the pig snapped at her. she then kept trying to go over there and bite it back. oh jojo. revenge is not the way to go.

jojo is wearing a maroon bandana. she was furious

After that, Braden went to play games and Anna Claire petted& kissed all over Jojo.

AC and jojolastly, i took  AC and jojo  to take photos on the firetruck

~ by lifeofjojo on October 1, 2011 .

2 Responses to “Festival day!”

  1.   Maximutt Says:

    Sounds like a lot of fun! Cute photos!!

  2.   wyattraydawg Says:

    Some humans are SOOOO stewpid. They are few and far between though, most know that we TRIPAWDS RULE!

    You are such a great ampawssador JoJo, it’s great seeing you getting out and meeting folks. You and the kid look pretty cute together!

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