I like my sleep..but these puppies sleep SOO MUCH! I wanna play but all they do is sleep! Mama says that they can’t play as much as I can but I think theyre just faking…

Also..why do they sleep ontop of eachother?? Mama doesn’t like when I climb ontop her when we are sleeping…
~ by lifeofjojo on March 8, 2012 .
March 8th, 2012 at 3:02 pm
Well Jo Jo, I hate to point out the obvious, but they are MonkeyButts in training. They know sleeping so much irritates the heck out of you, so they do it a lot. You’re right…they’re faking it. Don’t worry, though. I know your Mama will keep their Monkeybuttbusiness under control! You have to admit, they are awfully cute even when they’re asleep.
Wags and Sloppers
Judy and Baby
March 9th, 2012 at 2:44 am
Look out JoJo, they are cute now but just wait…those Monkeydogs are going to be bigger than you! Agggh!