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For willow

I’m not much of a poet,but willow has really touched me.

Did you see her?
Did you see my girl?
With big bright eyes,
And little tail curled?

Did you hear it?
Bones being crushed under you tread,
Asphalt being smashed against her head,
Body seized with pain and tread?

Could you hear it?
Her left leg was shattered and gone
Was amputated because of what you have done
With such little care you moved on
But it’s willow that as won

Did you know?
What happened in that place?
That the humane society came to race
And take her to another place
To save her life you tried to take
And although you made a careless mistake
And will never know just how great
Of an impact you really did make

What I know
Willow is in my home
And whimpers in pain all day long
But something I notice everyday
Is something you can NEVER take away
Its her spirit, so happy and gay
She jumps and runs and plays all day
Despite that one faithful day
When you failed to care


~ by lifeofjojo on April 23, 2012 .

2 Responses to “For willow”

  1.   etgayle Says:

    brianna, this is wonderful – we think you are QUITE the poet, and it’s so obvious how much you love willow. look how happy she is to be with you!!

    charon & spirit gayle

  2.   maximutt Says:

    Very lovely. Willow is a lucky girl to have found you and JoJo

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