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Scary moments

I was taking a nap on the couch around noon on Sunday and Adam was laying next to me on the floor(he never leaves me). I heard a kicking and scratching sound so looked down and-he was having a seizure. His legs were straight and he was shaking and grunting. I screamed for my mom and she came.we sat there unsure of when to do. I reached down to pet his leg and his shaking stopped and he just laid there breathing really hard and grunting. My mom went to call the head vet at the humane society. I just laid there petting him and telling him he was going to be okay. When I said his name,he jumped up and shook his fur and jumped into my lap.

That night,at around 11, I got home from the movies with my friends. Adams kennel was in my room and he was already asleep. Jojo and I got into bed and started falling asleep when Adams whole kennel started shaking. I jumped out of bed and opened his kennel door. He was shaking way harder this time and was foaming at the mouth. Then, he sat up(still shaking) and put his head straight up as If he was going to howl. But his kennel isn’t the big so his snout smashed against the top of the kennel. After about 10 minutes,he calmed back Down to where he pants and grunts. I stayed up for a couple of hours just holding him.

Adam is back at the humane society. Please pray for his health. It makes it really hard for a great dog like him to get adopted when he suffers from terrible seizures like those.

~ by lifeofjojo on May 30, 2012 .

5 Responses to “Scary moments”

  1.   etgayle Says:

    very scary stuff. karen’s pug has seisures, you might want to PM her and see what type of meds tani takes… there are ways to control them, once they figure out the cause. sending our best to little adam!!

    charon & spirit gayle

    •   lifeofjojo Says:

      He takes medication, but it wasn’t given to us when we brought him home. The meds suppress the seizures,but afftect his behaviour.

  2.   maximutt Says:

    Oh, that is very scary news. I had a cat that had seizures; she had a neurological disorder. She was on phenobarbitol for the last three years of her life (she lived to be 19!). I hope whatever is ailing Adam can be controlled through medicine. I’m sure there will be someone out there with a soft heart who will take him. Please keep us updated on Adam.

  3.   Dakota Dawg Says:

    Yes, that would scare the pants off of anyone having to witness it. I wonder what Adam’s opinion was. How is he otherwise? Playing? Eating? Does he appear affected by this at all?

    Personally, I would have no problem adopting a dog with seizures. They can be controlled so well these days that I would have no hesitation. I can’t be the only one. So here’s hoping Adam gets the treatment he needs and then the family that’s just right.


    •   lifeofjojo Says:

      He takes medication that does help stop the seizures but it makes him more..agitated and uneasy.
      Other than the seizures he’s a perfect dog!

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