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Archive for the 'Uncategorized' Category

Right now

• September 26, 2012

Now, we’ve got four of our own dogs(Jojo,mylee,Ella,and little man) and three foster dogs. In about two weeks the fosters go back and we get a new one. Her name is sage and..well..she’s going to need some TLC FORSURE

Also, remember Adam?

• September 25, 2012

He’s found a home! One of the Humane Society board members took him home(: this means I get to see him whenever I’d like

Foster dog catchup

• September 25, 2012

Wow! It’s been over a month since I’ve been on here..senior year is definitely a busy year! Well, as you know link went home After link we got two three day old puppies. Penny lane and Sgt.pepper Well, we had them for a week when the humane society called and said they found a mother […]

Links last week

• August 9, 2012

Link has been adopted by a substitute teacher at my school. He will be getting an X-ray done this coming money and if it looks good he will be neutered and sent home! Also, our next foster baby has already been picked out. We name is sadie,she’s a pitty mix, and she is completely covered […]

Link at 8 weeks

• August 2, 2012

Link at 5 weeks

• July 26, 2012

Link at 6 weeks

• July 26, 2012

Photos of link

• July 8, 2012

This is him at 4 weeks


• July 7, 2012

Meet link! He was rescued from a trash can at a local shelter(they had euthanized his mom&two of his three siblings already and he was on the list). We had originally planned on fostering another puppy but she found a home so this little guy was rescued! He’s about 4 weeks old and has a […]

My new boyfriend

• July 4, 2012

So mama has a new guy friend. His name is Austin. I usually don’t like the boy she likes but I love him! He brings me cookies and plays with me and let’s me sleep on him and he takes me on walks! He is so nice and he smells like happy and I like […]