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I like school!

So this morning my mom carried me into a building that smelled like wood and people! She carried me to A girl and the girl held my leash while mommy got big rectangles out of her mini closet! Then mommy walked me into different rooms where people pet me and told me how beautiful I am! Some of them said “poor doggy” but then mommy let me show them how fast I could run! Then they said I was a “trooper.” or that I was “brave” I’m not sure what that means,but mommy smiled when they said it. I think I did a good job promoting mommys humane society fundraiser!

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JoJo,again. Mommy is taking me to some place called “skool” tomorrow. I don’t know what that is…but she leaves me for 8 hours hours every day for it so it better be awesome! I’ll let you guyses know how it goes!

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Nobody’s perfect?

JoJo here…I’m in trouble again….


I thought mommy would like what I did to the dresser! She like abstract art! That’s all it is! And I even did it while she was asleep so I could surprise her! But she said I was a bad girl and that I can’t do that anymore. She needs to expand her mind! I think it looks like a bunny rabbit! Or a bowl of food! I like food…foooooood…. ANYWAY! have a good night,friends!

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Mini photos shoot? Yes.

So today I had a huge amount of homework. I went to the humane society right after school to photograph a beautiful pittie named hollywood. Shes such a ham(: I got home around 6 and worked on homework until 9:45. After that me and JoJo took a couple of photos on my webcam that id like to share with you guys(:


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JoJo likes the attention

JoJo and I just wanted to say that we LOVE all you guys who comment on our blog(:



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She’s everything to me

Im in love with my dog. Now,I say that because we are devoted to each other If I’m sad,she lays her head in my lap. If shes sad,I go get her favorite toy. If im excited,she’s excited with me.I scratch the places she can’t reach. She cuddles with me at night. I hold her when she’s at the vet. When my feet are cold,she lays on them. When her back leg is tired,I carry her.when I feel like I just want to run away,she gets her leash as If to tell me she will be right by my side When I get my heart broken by a boy,she kisses my cheek. When my friends ditch me,shes always there. When I have a nightmare, her furry face gives me comfort.

I never thought a 6 and a half month old puppy could make me feel whole.
I love you JoJo.always&forever.




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JoJo got an almost empty container of peanut butter. Happy dog.



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Yes never sounded so good(:

After going back and forth from teacher to teacher to teacher I FINALLY got approval to do a fundraiser! Now I have to make posters,info sheets,etc(:


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Back to battle

I’m going back up to have another meeting this morning. I couldent find my volunteer coordinator’s number(my luck) so they told me to bring it tomorrow but that it’s a possibility. Also, Ms Linda(from the humane society) told me that Memphis magazine is wanting to do a story on volunteers and their families and ms Linda recommended me(:! So I’ll let y’all know what happens with that! I’m going to mention OF COURSE.
have a good day!



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No dogs were harmed in the taking of these photos

New washer/dryer!




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