August 24, 2011 • 4 Comments
I’m about forty five minutes ill be at my school telling the principal,event coordinator,and other important people my ideas to have a supply fundraiser for the humane society. I’m so nervous!
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August 23, 2011 • 1 Comment
Now these are just cute photos of her

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August 23, 2011 • 1 Comment
So, not much ha been goin on with me and JoJo. So I figured I’d post old photos from when she was a sleepy baby(:

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August 22, 2011 • 2 Comments
I got home from Clarksville at around 9 pm tonight. Im so happy to see my JoJo<3

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August 20, 2011 • 2 Comments
Hi Jo Jo here, while my grandma is cooking dinner I thought I would sneak on here and let brianna know how much I love her. I will never forget living at the shelter, they were nice but all the other dogs told me that I would be adopted and you better hope they love you, Then I met a worker, she would hold me , and love me, and never let me go. I would feel special inside when she was around, but when she always put me back in the kennel and left. Other people would come by and play with me, but they pitied me and would say awww poor baby. Then one day I went home with brianna and my heart was filled to the brim. Brianna makes me feel normal and special, she pushes me ( but not to hard) and I LOVE it.Being a 6-month old border collie I have alot of energy, and brianna loves to play with me. But my favorite time is snuggleing in bed with her, sometimes I am just so happy I like to snuggle my nose in her neck, and she LETS me. I miss her so much. But life with grandma has been fun, I took a nap with the other dogs today, I was good to, but between you and me, I miss my momma. I had to take a bath and get brushed, could you believe it. and now she told me no dog park tomorrow, can you believe that, if my mom was here, I would get to go. But since lil man is sick , and ella is allergic to EVERYTHING. I have to stay home. And they think I am the sickly one, ha. While they are asleep I think I might chew on ALL their favorite toys, but before they wake up I will lay on my momma bed and think about her. Can’t wait to see her tomorrow.
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August 20, 2011 • No Comments
I’m on the way to Clarksville. Its raining sooooo hard.

But I already miss Jo.
I hope she has a good weekend without me(:

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August 20, 2011 • 1 Comment
I’m leaving tomorrow at 10 to go to spend the weekend with my best friends,Irris and Chanel(it’s he 16th birthday) in Clarksville.
It will be my longest time away from her:(
I’m so sad:(
I’m going to miss her furry self on my feet,legs,waist,neck,face,and arms(:

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August 19, 2011 • 2 Comments

Little man was diagnosed with a “severe cough” which is why there was blood in his throat. So basically, 300$ and 3 hours for them to tell us that he had a cough. But at least we know now. But he’s just chillin like a villain now(:
And I know this isn’t about JoJo perse, but it had to do with her.
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August 18, 2011 • 3 Comments
So little man was coughing and like..trying to throw up/gagging? Something like that. And my mom tried reach in his throat and see if there was something she could get out. When he pulled her finger out,it had blood on it. So now we at an emergency vet office trying to see what’s wrong with him…

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August 17, 2011 • 2 Comments
So my friend Hannah came to my house to hang out and fell in love with Jo

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