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It’s alright cause I’m..

JoJo was watching tv today.
But it’s what she was watching that made me laugh.
I’ve heard of dogs watching animal planet….

But my dog watched saved by the bell.

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Reunited and it feels SO GOOD


After a grueling school day I finally returned home to JoJo!!! I took her outside and she ran and jumped up on me and when I bent down to pet her-she peed all over the ground in sheer excitement.she then jumped on me(I was sitting) and licked my face.JoJo isn’t much of a licker so it was really sweet. I love her so much<3

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Heartbreak won’t last forever…roughly 9 hours..


Today is my first day of my junior year of highschool. It will also be the longest time JoJo and I will be apart since I adopted her.I’m so sad:(
I miss her already!


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Ella may be getting a little jealous

So,Ella is a little jealous that JoJo has her own I promised her I’d post a photo of her


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Close enough?

So I tried posting a video of JoJo jumping her new jumps but it wouldent work(any hints or Help anyone would like to contribute would be wonderful).
But I took screen shots from her videos to post until I figure it out(I’m having to blog from my iPhone only because my laptop is broken)



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For the first time…


well, let me rephrase that.
I dropped her leash so..does that count? I think so.
She did so well. Her only problem is she’s TOO friendly. She runs up to every person and sits herself on their feet expecting a belly rub. But that’s not completely her fault because EVERYWHERE(and I mean everywhere) we take her we meet a volunteer/staff member from the Humane Society that met her when she was itty bitty. And of course,they bend over and scream “JORDANNNNNN!” and grab her up and kiss and love on her.


Also,she’s upset cause she got a bath.
But,If she hadnt gotten over excited and fell into the mud,she wouldent have gotten one.

My question: any tips on getting JoJo not to…..ambush any and every person she meets?


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Take the good with the bad.

JoJo is learning a life lesson today: take the good with the bad.

Good: we took her back up to the humane society to visit. She got petted and kissed and loved on. We also assembled the tire jump we got yesterday. She likes it.

Bad: first vet visit. She got her ears cleaned(cause she won’t let me do it at all) and a shot. Shes still upset with me.


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Start of house renovations

This morning I spent about 4 hours taking all my beauty products(remember,I’m 16) out of my bathroom. Luckily, JoJo was there


And for the first time since we adopted JoJo,I got a decent photo of her and little man and all three of them

Also, we got 2 new agility jumps. JoJo loves them. She will run from one side of the yard to the other hurdling over the jump. It’s hilarious.


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Tripawd agility dog?

You heard me. My 6 month old Australian shepherd/bordercollie mix with her left back leg missing runs agility. As of now,she will jump,go through tunnels,and attempt the weave poles. But a friend from my moms work is building us some more equipment! So excited! My mom should bring some of it home tonight.


So i know the photo is of Ella,but that’s because ella goes to class to jump agility. And,my laptops hard drive failed yesterday(boooo) and so at the moment I can’t get the photos of her jumping from my camera.

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My 3 legged dog can beat up your 4 legged dog!

So JoJo got feisty(as always) and i snapped some great photos!


Also,JoJo has found a new favorite toy


Btw: if you have an I-device(iPod touch,iPad,iPhone) download the free app Instagram and follow JoJo @thelifeofjojo

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