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Jojo’s health update

Jojo went back to the vet last Friday. The medicine they gave her at the last visit completely cured her mystery bumps. So, they think that it was just a bad reaction to a bug bite or something. Thank GOODNESS


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Mega adoptathon:updates

I worked a 15 hour shift at the humane society last night. I’ll just give you a quick rundown of what happened. Steve,a ten year old mange dog went home,RITA WENT HOME, my little blue pit foster pup(willow) went home, all of our little dogs went home(4),Wiley a dog that is untamable became
A little boys birthday gift. We’ve adopted out about 30 in 24 hours. Update: I ended up staying 27 hours of the 36. 71 dogs went to their forever home. I will post some photos of who went ASAP. Rita’s mama facebooked me a couple of photos that are just precious

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Q and A

Here are frequently asked question about miss honeysuckle. I’ll add to this as the questions are asked!

Is she still in pain? Not from her burns,no.

Where is se burned? The left side of her muzzle is burned, her left side is complete burned and under her neck there are a couple places.

Is she a tripawd? No, miss honey has all of her paws

What does she feel like? Where she was burned, it feels like leather. The rest of her is really soft fur.

What does her wounds look like?
I have attached a photo of her wounds.


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Meet honeysuckle. She’s one of those dogs that we could consider a true miracle. Let me explain. She was doused;covered with gasoline. Then,it happened. Her abusers set fire to her.

But that’s not where it ends. The humane society did their thing and honeysuckle was adopted by a humane society volunteer who my family became friends with months ago. Kim is going out if town do we are watching Miss Honey. I don’t think I’ve ever loved a dog this mich(sorry jojo) she’s covers in burns and scars and yet she’s the sweetest dog. She slept cuddling with me all night



If you want to know anything about her,post it in the comments and ill answer them!

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For willow

I’m not much of a poet,but willow has really touched me.

Did you see her?
Did you see my girl?
With big bright eyes,
And little tail curled?

Did you hear it?
Bones being crushed under you tread,
Asphalt being smashed against her head,
Body seized with pain and tread?

Could you hear it?
Her left leg was shattered and gone
Was amputated because of what you have done
With such little care you moved on
But it’s willow that as won

Did you know?
What happened in that place?
That the humane society came to race
And take her to another place
To save her life you tried to take
And although you made a careless mistake
And will never know just how great
Of an impact you really did make

What I know
Willow is in my home
And whimpers in pain all day long
But something I notice everyday
Is something you can NEVER take away
Its her spirit, so happy and gay
She jumps and runs and plays all day
Despite that one faithful day
When you failed to care


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Pray for jojo

About a week ago I found a painless,colorless bump on jojos leg. I didn’t think much of it until it got bigger and one popped up on her nose. She went to the vet yesterday and they think she has a mass of cells on her. They said it was common and no big deal. She got some medication and will be returning to the vet next Friday. Please pray for my girl..I love her more than anything in the world and want nothing more than for her to be healthy and happy!


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Spirit of giving

Here are some photos after the spirit of giving awards the volunteer mid south. Mama was nominated with her work though the humane society!





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Here is willow. She’s our new foster baby. She has quite a story. Se was hit by a car. Her leg was amputated. She ended up at Memphis Animal Services(which is a place where they euthanize dogs within about 72 hours of being there). The humane society has a deal with them that they get first choice on all animals on the kill list. But we have no room at the shelter. BUUUT since we have an empty(foster wise) home, they took her in! We were set to get her this afternoon. I was at the physical therapist for my knee issue so I couldent go with my mom. My mom went to get her and some employees were standing outside with willow in the kennel and a blanket over it. She has ripped her some of stitches out. There was a one and a half inch gash on her side. So my mom took her to the vet. She got staples. After they finished putting them in,they realized she hadent taken any pain meds. So se got some medication and was sent home. She is wonderful.






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Adios, Rita!

Rota has gone back to the humane society and will be put up for adoption soon! And tonight, we will be getting ANOTHER puppy!


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Bye bye!

PIGLET HAS BEEN ADOPTED! you heard me! And the best part is,she’s been adopted by a friend of Shirley( who is Jojo’s aunt. She knew jojo since she had all four legs! Everytime jojo sees her she pees from excitement..even if shes in my lap..)so we will get to have play dates! Piglets mom only works 3 hours a day so piglet will get all the attention in the world!


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