December 12, 2011 • 2 Comments
We set up the Christmas tree today. Jojo tried eating some of the needles off of the branches. After chasing her down, I finally got all of them from her. I think she likes the tree…she stares at it a lot.

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December 9, 2011 • 1 Comment
Jojo and Ella went to the vet today. Jojo just got the bordatella spray stuff in her nose(which she snorted out all over the vet) and Ella got her ears checked.

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December 2, 2011 • No Comments
Jojo has taken a liking to my dinosaur pillow pet.when they named it,I dont think they meant a pillow for a pet

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November 30, 2011 • 1 Comment
I knew mom was feeling bad.i could tell it. She didn’t go to Skool today,and she left in a hurry. She came back a couple of hours later with a black thing on her leg.she told me its chondromalacia patella,meaning the back of her kneecap is rubbing against her fun:(

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November 29, 2011 • 1 Comment
This dog is a gift from the heavens.She has blessed my life more than any church or person ever has. She urges me to be kind, gentle,and loving to all those around me.although she cannot talk,she comforts me. Although she cannot hug,she gives me affection. She has caused me to step out of my shell by having three legs. By her being a tripaw,she’s caused me to step out of my comfort zone and talk to people who ask about her. I love you,jojo bean

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November 28, 2011 • No Comments
Mom!! Why do you have to do homework?? I wanna go to bed! I know you’re busy but can’t you do it later? I loves you mom!

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November 24, 2011 • 1 Comment
Mom and grandma got us three a thanksgiving meal from Three Dog Bakery. It was lovely!we had sweet potatoes, pumpkin,sweet potato cupcakes, a cookie, and turkey loaf!

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November 24, 2011 • No Comments
I’m not sure what thanksgiving is. But, mama says it’s when you give thanks for things in you life and eat good food. So I made a list I’m thankful for:
Peanut butter
Animal planet
And mama.
Also,three dog bakery cause mama got us treats from there!

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